
Yoshi's Island The Cave Of The Mystery Maze

A new muiltiplayer mode called Bomberry Blast is allowed in the Cravings edition, where Yoshis must bloom Bomberrys and launch them at others at the cost of health.ControlsJump; hold to flutter jumpLickThrowUse gadget/itemMove YoshiR-TargetBattle ModeIn the battle mode, Yoshi can go through each level, using the special 'Brawl Berry'. The brawl berry allows Yoshi to use melee attacks (punch, kick, etc) against his foes, however, enemies can also use melee attacks now, so watch out! Yoshi's stamina is converted into a health bar, and every time Yoshi takes damage, his health depletes. Yoshi's island 2-3.

  • Jan 29, 2010 All right! Time to do a maze level.which looks nothing like a maze at all. It's really just a cave with a bunch of winding paths. Finding that secret room with the 4 red coins and the flower is.
  • World 2 (Continued) 2-6: The Cave Of The Mystery Maze. Run forward and grab the two yellow egg blocks as quickly as possible, because there is a Fly Guy immediately above carrying a winged cloud (above the screen!), and he'll fly away if you don't hit him with an egg fast enough.
  • 2-6 is a very straightforward level that doesn't have any particular tricks associated with it so just refer to the video for the route. It's highly recommended, however, to end the level with at least two eggs (ideally three or more) because you'll be using them to save a little bit of time in 2-7. In the first area, be sure not to run out of eggs before spawning the door, or you can get.
  • Lastly a note about saving. Super Mario World asked whether you wanted to save at the end of each Ghost House and Castle stage-not so in Yoshi's Island.Instead, this game saves automatically after you clear any stage.
  • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island is the in-name-only sequel (or is it a prequel?). The Cave Of The Mystery Maze. A secret entrance arrow sprite can be found in the cave room, directly below the hidden cloud with the door. Seeing as how there are no switches in the room, it is never activated.
  • Sep 24, 2002  The SNES version already has achievements to complete each world 100%, having 100% achievements for all levels would be very unnecessary and very annoying for the players who has mastered the game before.

The Cave Of The Mystery Maze is level six of World 2 in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and its remake, Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3. The player uses Brown Yoshi in this level.

Changes: Palette file doesn't overwrite some unneeded colors anymore. Yoshi's island 3-6 key. If you want though, you can.' No credit's needed.

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES)


Yoshi's Island The Cave Of The Mystery Maze 2

Mariopedia entry list Game info page

Yoshi's Island The Cave Of The Mystery Maze Movie


Yoshi's Island The Cave Of The Mystery Maze Runner

Welcome To Yoshi's Island
1-1: Make Eggs, Throw Eggs
1-2: Watch Out Below!
1-3: The Cave Of Chomp Rock
1-4: Burt The Bashful's Fort
1-5: Hop! Hop! Donut Lifts
1-6: Shy-Guys On Stilts
1-7: Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy
1-8: Salvo The Slime's Castle
Extra 1: Poochy Ain't Stupid
2-1: Visit Koopa And Para-Koopa
2-2: The Baseball Boys
2-3: What's Gusty Taste Like?
2-4: Bigger Boo's Fort
2-5: Watch Out For Lakitu
2-6: The Cave Of The Mystery Maze
2-7: Lakitu's Wall
2-8: The Potted Ghost's Castle
Extra 2: Hit That Switch
3-1: Welcome To Monkey World!
3-2: Jungle Rhythm. . .
3-3: Nep-Enut's Domain
3-4: Prince Froggy's Fort
3-5: Jammin' Through The Trees
3-6: The Cave Of Harry Hedgehog
3-7: Monkeys' Favorite Lake
3-8: Naval Piranha's Castle
Extra 3: More Monkey Madness
4-1: GO! GO! MARIO!!
4-2: The Cave Of The Lakitus
4-3: Don't Look Back!
4-4: Marching Milde's Fort
4-5: Chomp Rock Zone
4-6: Lake Shore Paradise
4-7: Ride Like The Wind
4-8: Hookbill The Koopa's Castle
Extra 4: The Impossible? Maze
5-1: BLIZZARD!!!
5-2: Ride The Ski Lifts
5-3: Danger - Icy Conditions Ahead
5-4: Sluggy The Unshaven's Fort
5-5: Goonie Rides!
5-6: Welcome To Cloud World
5-7: Shifting Platforms Ahead
5-8: Raphael The Raven's Castle
Extra 5: Kamek's Revenge
6-1: Scary Skeleton Goonies!
6-2: The Cave Of The Bandits
6-3: Beware The Spinning Logs
6-4: Tap-Tap The Red Nose's Fort
6-5: The Very Loooooong Cave
6-6: The Deep, Underground Maze
6-7: KEEP MOVING!!!!
6-8: King Bowser's Castle
Extra 6: Castles - Masterpiece Set