
Yoshi's Island Level 1


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if you needed a certain enemy to jump on but you killed it, go backwards and swallow an enemy but dont turn it into an egg. if you push b+ up you can spit it out without killing it.
As a precaution, I find it very useful to try to get the timer of how long little Mario can remain in the air. Sometimes you have to jump or cross something that takes a bit. With a high clock timer, you'll have time to get to baby Mario.
Go in a place that there is a roof on top of Yoshi and shoot an egg at it. The egg will ricochet and bounce back to Yoshi very fast. Too fast! So as soon as you fire the egg sick with your mouth and you will have a colored egg!

Walkthrough - Intro: Welcome To Yoshi's Island - This introductory level is here to give new players the chance to get used to the controls of the game before the first level. As this is a tutorial level, there isn't too much to worry about in the way of enemies and other dangers, so I'll use this section of the guide to explain. Mar 04, 2008  Level 3-1. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island is a 1995 platform game developed and published by Nintendo for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. To reunite baby Mario with his brother Luigi, who has been kidnapped by Kamek, the player controls Yoshi, a friendly dinosaur, through 48. Yoshi's Island 4 is the fourth level on Yoshi's Island in Super Mario World. It takes place on a lake and features a lot of platforms floating in the water as well as giant mushroom platforms. The water underneath carry the player backwards if fallen into. During the World 1 Extra level, you can disable the autoscrolling in the level. To do this, you need to bounce repeatedly on the bat enemies that appear at the start of the level in sequence, doing so until Yoshi is eventually off-screen. From Yoshi's Island Speedrunning Wiki. Jump to navigation Jump to search. RTA Leaderboards IL Leaderboards To-Do Page. End: When the last completed level card.

When you come to one of those red tulip-things that gives out stars, before you get your stars, try this: Aim an egg at the ground at an angle so that it will bouce off and hit the bottom of the flower. It will turn orange when it hits the ground and when it hits the flower it will fall to the ground. Now you have an orange egg. If you do it twice you get a red egg which gives you stars when you hit something.
If you get 1000 points in 5 worlds you can play hard mode.
if you play melee you'll notice yoshi's second jump is extremely high
to do that in the game jump on an enemy , and if you dont hit the ground you're jump will be much higher. I used this to beat a few levels easier.
How to make it easier to play those End-Of-Level games!
Every see that when you reach the end of the level, the game is always reached at the flower space? Well, those flower spaces don't appear in random numbers. You have to get them.
Now, you may be thinking, how do I get this space? Simple! During one of my playings of this game, I saw that when I got a certain number of flowers in the game, those flowers turned into the flower spaces, which made it easier to get the game.
So if you want to get the game without hoping it will land on that ONE flower space, hope no longer! All you have to do is try to get all the five flowers and you will have a better chance at those games!
you can ride lakitu's cloud for a short while, then it will disappear
there are two ways to get his cloud
1. eat lakitu, DONT eat the cloud it will go away if you do
2. * preferred way * jump on lakitu, the cloud will stay there and you can fly around on it.
use the control pad to control it, it will disappear after about 10- 15 seconds, or if it hits an object or enemy
in level 1-7 it is very hard to get all 20 red coins. when you get to the red/yellow bridges get all the coins but don't finish go to the raised log and jump as high as you can, a jump shere will appear, jump on it and you'll go through a pipe. move the chomp rock and a winged cloud will appear, it has a beanstalk in it. climb it to get the final 4 red coins.
on the level selection screen hold select and press l,l,b,a,r and you'll unlock the mini battles with the bandit. you can get free items buy doing this
if you do a ground pound when a egg-shooting plant is on the screen, eggs will shoot out, so that if you get them all you will have six eggs.
Get up to the part when you are in world 4, level one. Get up to the part when Shy guys are jumping out of a pipe. Get a Koopa shell, then stand on the hill, in front of the 2 red things that open a nd close their mouths. Make sure you have no eggs, then throw the koopa shell down. If you are standing right, the koopa sheel will come back, and go under a bit of yoshi's feet, making it jump a little. Don't worry. After a while, Shy Guys will jump out and will be killed by the shell. Now, listen to the sound, and it will get higher and higher (don't move). Just wait for about 2 mins, and 1 ups will appear. The most number of lives you can get is 999. We tried to get 1000, but failed. We know.


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On Yoshi's island level 1-8 (the castle),get to the end and start to defeat Salvo. Stay off to the right near the lava.When you hit him the last time, he'll freeze. Very quickly jump into the lava. You won't die but Yoshi will be gone and you won't get to see the key.


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If you manage to total your world points to 777 exactly, you are rewarded with a 7UP.

Yoshi's Island Level 1 Theme

When you are on the level select screen hold Select and press L,L,B,A,R and you should unlock a new screen full of bouns games.
If you attain more than 700 points in a world, the Extra Challenge stage will be unlocked. This is essentially one of the challenges you can find at the end of levels.
Get 800 points in each world to unlock the Extra level in that world.
In World 1-7 take a rolly polly and hold it in youre mouth until you get to a green pipe that spits out shy guys. Spit out the rolly polly and jump out of the way and as the shy guys spit out of the pipe it will give you points and eventually 1up after 1up.(It can be time consuming have some fresh batteries.)
To access the mini-games without entering stages, hold SELECT and press L, L, B, A and then R, at the level select screen.
You should be presented with the mini-games menu, which allows you to play all of the mini-games available in the game and earn the prizes from them.
Complete the game once through to open up six 'Secret' levels, one for each world.
Go to 1-7, now when you are nearing the end, at the red and yellow bridges, ground pound one. Now pause it and watch Yoshi go through the ground. Yoshi will die.
Which Yoshi's Island levels are the most annoying to get 100% or just complete?

The Top Ten Hardest Yoshi's Island Levels

1Kamek's Revenge

Is this the level after the bowser castle?

A variety of challenges to get 100. I recommend using a pow or similar power up at the helicopter section.

This level was pretty short but had one of the hardest skiing segments in Yoshi's Island history particularly that sudden change into the helicopter near the end. Never 100%ed it.

2A Light in the Dark

Again the skiing section is the icing on an unusually long and treacherous level.

3Superhard Acrobatics

It surely is super-hard particularly at the beginning with the pinwheel platform and the potted ghosts.

4Rompin' Stompin' Chomps

Side scrolling levels are never easy on the difficulty but this one can be highly irritating due to all of the things landing on your head

Island5Poochy Ain't Stupid

The fact that this is an auto-scroller, you have to rely on Poochy for most of it, AND a single mess-up means you die, means this level was a complete nightmare to get 100% on. Honestly, this should be #1.

So impossible to beat

Yoshi's Island Game

You Need to Ride on Poochy for the Entire Level, if you get off of him, you'll die in the lava, staying on poochy would be simple, if not you're going for 100% and the Fact Poochy Controls Awkward

6Quit it Already Tap-Tap!

An unnecessary Tap-Tap themed level. The rising wind section leaves absolutely no room for error just like the mine cart segment later.

8Items are Fun!

Items may be fun but trying to get 100% in this level isn't.


Another long level that is hard to 100%. Though the biggest problem for me was always near the beginning with the rotating platforms.

The Contenders

11King Bowser's Castle (Door 3)

The Tap-Tap chase is the worst part of this level for me, no matter how many tries I just can't find all of the collectibles AND keep all my stars.

12Fight Toadies with Toadies

Surprisingly I've never had a problem with The Impossible Maze but this one has cost me many lives particularly the.. Auto-scrolling section.


Which level even is this? I don't recall any level ever called Frustration, unless this is a ROM hack.

All melons on this was rly hard


14All Aboard the Terrain Train

Of corse, I spent 4 flat legit hours trying to beat it and FINALLY I beat it! I did not collect everything at once, I first collected smiley flowers. Next red coins, took me 2 hours. And finally star man to 30 took me an hour and a half!
I’m relieved

Particularly, this level was hard for me, but it was just to get me prepped up for the WHITE HOT HARD SNOW GO MOUNTAIN LEVEL! It’s difficult to get a 100% on this level, but if your a hardcore gamer, someone who’s played hard games like Contra and Ghosts n’ Goblins, then this is your secret level!

15The Fort of Moltz the Very Goonie

This level has very tight platforming with the face statues while making very precise jumps between spikes. This is possibly the hardest level in the main game (not Secret or Extra).

16Snow Go Mountain

And I though the previous 4 secret levels were bad enough, Snow Go Mountain has you jumping on Bullet Bills and Goonies to get to the warp pipe leading to the area to leave the level! Did Panga make this level, as well as the other 5 secret levels? Hopefully the sixth secret level isn't as bad.

17Leapin' Lava Meltdown

Well, I was right, Leapin' Lava Meltdown was hard for me, but it didn't cost me 1 million lives like Snow Go Mountain did. But the part that angered me the most was the rising lava part of the second and final area. But still, if you're a daredevil, I'd recommend this to you if you're looking for a challenge.



Watch Out for Lakitu

I've been playing the game for a while, and I can't beat this particular level. Ironically, Lakitu is barely something that you have to watch out for. Overall, this was a difficult level.

20Hop! Hop! Donut Lifts
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Top Remixes

1. Superhard Acrobatics
2. More Monkey Madness
3. Kamek's Revenge
1. Kamek's Revenge
2. A Light in the Dark
3. Quit it Already Tap-Tap!

Yoshi's Island Level 1 Music

Level 1 Call Center

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